Would a free cruise among team members motivate you to RSVP to a corporate invitation?

The appeal of group incentive travel remains strong, according to a recent Incentive Research Foundation survey of North American employees. The study found that a group incentive travel experience to an appealing destination was rated “very” or “extremely motivating” by 91% of respondents for the third year in a row.

The 2024 Attendee Preferences for Incentive Travel study set out to explore trends in attendee preferences, factors in destination selection and how incentive travel program design can impact employee motivation. The study examined destinations and program design to determine the elements that provide maximum inspiration to earn the award. The Incentive Research Foundation notes that the key insights included:

  • Attendees are excited about cruising, with 75% indicating a cruise experience is desirable regardless of the destination.
  • Incentive travel attendees want free time to relax, opportunities for unique experiences, and luxury accommodations and experiences.
  • The motivational appeal of group travel continues to be extremely high, especially among Gen Z and Millennials, and signals the continued relevance of incentive travel programs.

“The motivational impact of incentive award travel remains high, and attendees find appeal in a broad array of destinations, program attributes and trip features,” says Stephanie Harris, president, Incentive Research Foundation. “The insights provided by attendees will ensure incentive planners can feel confident in designing programs that capture the interest and enthusiasm of their attendees while balancing their budgetary and business realities.”

To download the full study and white paper, visit theirf.org/research_post/2024-attendee-preferences-for-incentive-travel.